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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Deanna Girl Kit - A Huge Kit For Freebies Now

I have been surfing the internet lately for tutorials and information on blogs that could be useful
information for you. I have nothing for you today, but may have something for you soon!

I decided to do a pink kit this time, which I have never done before. I wanted it to be really soft and yet useful for all those girly girls!

I just love doing girly kits, but my heart really lies in shabby chic, vintage and sophisticated. However, I am trying many new and different things to build on my skills. I am confident that you will notbe disappointed with Deanna Girl. Even if you have boys, you can use this for Moms, Sisters, Nieces, Cousins, etc.

Deanna Girl has turned into a Mega Kit! I just couldn't stop..LOL!

Here is Deanna Girl... hope you like it!

If you want to see the images larger, just right click and select view image!

Click on image for download and it is direct, it is not through 4shared!

The alpha has everything! Upper, Lower and Symbols.




Roper said...

thank you this it's beautiful